In case of all organisational topics not related to invoices, please contact to:
Dariusz Grzesista
Conference Lead, PLUG President
e-mail: darek linux.rybnik.pl
mob.: +48 604435060
If you want to ask somebody or resolve a problem with invoice, please contact to:
Joanna Grzesista
Conference Manager
e-mail: biuro dgnet.pl
tel.: +48 327979144
Organizers by name
- Dariusz 'DarGrze' Grzesista,
- Joanna Grzesista,
- Filip 'Filon' Kłębczyk,
- Łukasz 'Luxus' Porębski,
- Wojciech 'Gienek' Rakszawski,
- Mateusz 'matipl' Kamiński.
The direct contact to organisers: jesien jesien.org |
