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about Jesień

logo PLUG Jesień Linuksowa (Linux Autumn) is a social-scientific meeting for enthusiasts of the Free Software and the GNU/Linux that is organized by the management board of the Polish Linux Users Group (PLUG).
The program includes official talks, semi-official panel discussions as well as social meetings and recreation elements. The aim of the conference is to create the possibility of meeting for the Free Software community members, to enable the contact among the members as well as the exchange of skills and ideas.

The event is intended for both professionals and people who have become interested in the GNU/Linux or Free Software recently. Thanks to the diversified program, the conference gives you the possibility of consolidating or expanding your knowledge in the presented areas.

time and place

The Jesień Linuksowa will be held from October the 7th till 9th, 2011 at the "Przedwiośnie" Hotel situated in Mąchocice Kapitulne near the city of Kielce. More information about the hotel can be found at this page.


The conference registration fees (as usually in the case of meetings held by PLUG) will increase gradually towards the time of the event (this depends on a few factors). Generally, the lowest fee is about 60 € in the first fee period.
The fee calculator is available for the registered users at this page.

previous Jesień editions

The Jesień Linuksowa has a rich history that is documented at old websites (Polish only):
2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003

Platinum Sponsor

media patronages Linux Magazine

by D. Grzesista,; version 2016.04.19